Life settlements offer a new possibility for policyholders to sell an unwanted policy. By selling an unwanted policy – or one that is no longer required – an individual receives the funds they need for paying bills, medical expenses, or even retirement.

While an individual may sell their life insurance policy for a number of reasons, various circumstances may include:

  1. A policyholder paying expensive premiums for a policy they do not need or cannot afford to pay.
  2. The insured outlived their beneficiaries and no longer have to pay on a policy.
  3. The ability to use policy funds for charitable donations. Giving to charity allows you to see your donation in action throughout life and qualifies as a tax deduction.
  4. The policy owner’s health has not improved since the policy’s issue date.
  5. A policy owner’s need to pay for the costs associated with long-term care services.

Many scenarios exist where a life settlement can help an individual turn life insurance into a salable asset that offers a profitable way to alleviate costly premiums or an unwanted policy.

For life insurance policies no longer required or needed, several instances exist:

  1. A modification in ownership of an organization or retirement.
  2. After a business has been sold, or stakeholders have left the organization, a policy to finance a buy-sell agreement is no longer required.
  3. After a business’s key personnel have left the company, a keyman policy is no longer needed.

Regardless of the matter at hand, a life settlement remains a better option than a policy lapse or surrendering it back to the life insurance company.


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