For more than 20 years, the founders of Asset Life Settlements have been forming trusted relationships with financial professionals whose senior clients are seeking to sell their unwanted life insurance coverage for the highest possible value.  

With more than 50 years of combined expertise in the secondary market for life insurance, the company’s founders lead a team of highly skilled life settlement brokers. Their track record of success includes having brokered more than $8 billion in policy face value.

Our core values as life settlement brokers are driven by our fiduciary duty to represent the best interests of policy sellers ─ not policy buyers.

We fulfill our fiduciary duty to policy sellers by generating competing offers in a bidding auction until all bids are exhausted and the highest possible settlement offer is achieved.  

As your life settlement partner, Asset Life Settlements is committed to generating positive outcomes for both the policy seller and the advisor. While the policy seller is gratified to receive the maximum value for an unwanted insurance asset, the insurance advisor is rewarded with increased customer loyalty and a broker’s commission on the sale.

Bottom Line: Never Settle for Just One Offer

Fulfill your duty to your client by never settling for just one offer from one buyer.

By choosing us as your life settlement broker, your client can sell with confidence. You’ll never have to walk away from a life settlement transaction wondering whether your client left money on the table.

Call us at 1-888-335-4769 to discuss your questions or to request a free policy appraisal. Or, feel free to use our online calculator to receive an immediate offer to discuss with your client.

Life Settlement Brokers
Sell Your Life Insurance Policy and Get the Highest Market Value for your Life Insurance Policy 

If you are a financial advisor or insurance professional, your clients often turn to you to for guidance on matters relating to their life insurance coverage. Chances are you have many existing clients to whom you sold policies years ago for income protection or for business purposes. But as client age, family dynamics change.

Expensive life insurance policies that were purchased while the client’s children were still at home or in college may no longer be needed. Or a key man policy purchased as part of a buy-sell agreement may no longer be relevant when the key person decides to retire and sell the business.

Estate Planning Attorneys

Life insurance is often the cornerstone of an estate plan. But as clients reach their retirement years, large life insurance policies often become irrelevant. That’s why many estate attorneys and fiduciaries are incorporating life settlements as a strategic solution for insurance coverage no longer needed to achieve the client’s legacy planning objectives.

CPAs and Tax Advisors

As a tax planner or estate advisor with a fiduciary duty to your high net worth clients or business owners, you’ll want to explore how life settlements for obsolete policies can often be the most financially sound and prudent course of action. Life Settlements can help business clients convert a capital asset into immediate cash.

Business Valuation Appraisers

Business valuation appraisers who specialize in transaction based mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, buy-sell agreements, leveraged buyouts, insolvency and bankruptcy, debt and equity financing and other business proceedings should review the asset optimization potential of life settlements for retiring executives owning key-man policies.

Quickly learn if your client's policy qualifies for a Life Settlement. Start Here